Sunday, 25 September 2011

some importants points to note

1- at first in fever stage there is nothing that goes wrong.there is nothing dangerous.except pains and weakness in body.

2-complications starts when the fever is over after 6 days when the situation starts.

3- dengue is not cause of death of people but the quantity of percentage of water in body (hydration) is the main cause od deaths of people.

A-for first 3 days dehydation is problem so give patient  some extra water to drink
on 5 and 6 day give him normal quantity of water.

days 7 8 are very important in these days donot give patient more than 2 galss of water a day.other wise the patient will be in danger.

after 7 and 8 days give patient water enough so that the deficiency of water is fulfiled.


5-bleeeding happens only on 7 and 8 days 

6-if there is much bleeding more than 1.5 litres of blood supply patient with fresh blood of his blood group.

7-complete blood tarnfusion is recmended than only paltelets.

8- bleeding will stop automatically.

9-take medicines from recognized store like clinix ( all other stores have medicines are effectless far as we have seen)_

10- since this is new disease in Pakistan so try to go to government hospitals tha private they don't have idea how to cure this disease you can verify this thing as many big people died of this disease in big  private hospitals.they have been trained by foreign  teams.

prevention is only cure

data collected by research from notes of DOCTOR TARIQ WASEEM HEAD OF DENGUE COMMITTEE PAKISTAN

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